Thursday, 22 September 2016

Gravity and London's Force

I've blogged about the propensity of a mass to emit electrons. The resulting equal and opposite reaction force that is gravity is caused when an electron is emitted from the center of mass. Trying to dissect this force leads us to the atomic level where we encounter the London forces.

The London force is easiest to picture when we consider the noble gasses as these atoms don't make complicated bonds. Diatomic molecules tend to stick together but will still have inter-molecular interactions with the material that surrounds them. More complicated molecular structures will tend towards a balanced state that will have London forces of their own.

Imagine two helium atoms coming together with a certain amount of kinetic energy. Current models have it that these atoms will have electrons on their outskirts that are moving at a real fraction of the speed of light (aprox. 1%). The electrons will interact first and will not want to share space. It is relatively likely that one of the electrons will take off and the rest will attempt to balance charge and momentum.

As an electron takes off from the local center of mass the rest of the mass will be pushed in the opposite direction so as to conserve momentum. This push will happen throughout a mass. The push tends towards the center of mass because the electron is carrying momentum in the opposite direction. At least this is a tendency. This tendency may be repeated many trillions of times in a mass. The net result is a force called gravity.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

The 'Magnetic Field' and Spinning Electrons

The biggest mystery I see in the physics of electromagnetics and electrical engineering concerns Heaviside's four equations representing Maxwell's equations in vector calculus form. The Gauss-Maxwell equations dictate the shape of the fields as they were observed before Bohr's model of the atom took hold. The Ampere-Maxwell equation dictates current flow and it's relationship to the 'magnetic' field. The magnetic field was a construct necessary before we could understand how a lattice of metal ions related to free electrons and bound electrons. Finally the Faraday-Maxwell equation describes the first derivative of the Ampere-Maxwell with respect to time. This is critical for understanding how the electromotive force is generated.

The Ampere-Maxwell and Faraday-Maxwell equations seem to work both ways. That is to say the Ampere-Maxwell equation is often made reference with respect to the magnetic field forming around a conductor. But the curl of the current of an electromagnet also produces the straight portion of the magnetic field. Likewise with the Faraday-Maxwell equation the curl of an electron field produces a change in the magnetic field. The opposite is true. The change in a a magnetic field causes a curl in the electric field. We use this equation to explain electric generators and electric motors.

Many of the applications where we see magnetic fields set up are around conductors. Conductors are the most common place to find free electrons carrying charge. We know from the telegraphers' equations that there are parasitic leaking of charge from the conductor in the form of conductance and I will add capacitance and inductance. In the case of inductance the parasitic electrons eddy out around the dielectric surrounding the conductor. This creates a curl of the electron field surrounding a conductor with a net drift velocity of its electrons.

The curl vector from vector calculus of the electron field is proportional to the magnetic field lines. Magnetism is just electrons moving in a curling manner. Previous blog posts sought to explain how the curl of the electrons leads to attraction and repulsion of magnetic solids or current carrying wires. Explaining magnetic phenomenon any other way may be difficult enough to prove truth to the circulating electrons. Perhaps X-ray imaging of time lapsed magnetic phenomenon can answer questions at the Government Labs in Oakridge, Switzerland or Sandia.   

Monday, 5 September 2016

Using the Biefeld-Brown Effect to Measure the Ion Acceleration Distribution,and Ion Quantity

The Biefeld-Brown Device (BBD) is an electric condenser which normally uses the electromotive force to accelerate electrons from the anode of the condenser towards the cathode. The cathode has been found to be more efficient when it has a large surface area. The telegrapher's equations jump to mind quickly as the conductance parameter (G) will measure the ion exchange with the environment outside the BBD. Specifically the electrons will travel through the air and ultimately interact with the air to give levitation. L and C parameters will begin to describe the flux of the flow of ions around the BBD.

There will be a real difference between the telegrapher's parameters at the anode and the cathode of the BBD as they are oriented differently with respect to the ground and they have a different mechanical shape. Electrical properties with respect to the emission of electrons and the propensity to accept electrons at the anode compared with the cathode.

But what can we use this BBD to do in order to understand the electromagnetic properties of gravity and how ions behave to give us the gravitational effect described in previous posts? If a BBD is able to levitate in a YouTube video we have to wonder what the ion exchange looks like on either side of a BBD levitation. We have the ground 'firing' electrons one way and we have the condenser at 30 kV or above firing electrons in the opposite direction.

The anode is well hidden by being smaller helping more of the cathode's emitted electrons counter those electrons coming from the Earth.

What is of real interest is that the electrons leaving the cathode do so in a discrete manner. What does the discrete distribution of electron emissions look like? How many electrons leave the cathode over what period of time? Over a small and discrete period of time how many electrons leave the cathode? It would seam that the Poisson distribution would be a good place to start for any analysis. If we knew what sort of ion distribution levitated a BBD we would have clues to the nature of gravity's electron launch and ion pull described in previous posts.

The Poisson distribution tends to fit behaviour that is discrete. Also as one breaks the time scale into increasingly smaller slices all events should fit in a separate slice of time. The rate of electron emission taken to the power of the number of electron emissions observed in a time period is multiplied by Euler's constant to the negative power of the rate of electrons emitted from the cathode. Now we divide by the factorial of number of electrons emitted from the cathode in the observed period. That is the Poisson distribution applied to the BBD cathode.

Also, important data points are the speed and acceleration profile of the electrons as they leave the cathode. For the exact same reason our interest in the distributions of ions leaving the cathode of the BBD we want to know how the BBD accelerates electrons into a drift velocity in the air underneath the device or in the ground.

The distribution of electron emission from the cathode of the BBD, the acceleration, drift velocity of electrons of a BBD would help us understand how gravity really works.