Sunday 12 February 2017

Gravity and the Electron Distribution and how it is Additive

It has been observed under many circumstances that substances stick together. The nucleus of an atom, the plastic floating in the ocean and matter as a part of a planet or star tends to stick together. These different types of stick-together-edness may or may not be related.

Gravity and the semiconductor pn-diode may have something in common. If the n-doped portion of the diode is oriented towards the center of mass the p-doped portion might well model the relative expanse towards the outside or periphery of a mass. The electrons get squeezed and they form a depletion effect which means that the electrons are out of position in the mass structure with respect to the charge balance needed for the perfect equilibrium we all learned about in grade eleven chemistry class.

Slower moving protons, neutrons and electrons are drawn towards the center of mass through charge balance neutralization. This geometrically induced electromagnetic effect gives us what we see as gravity.

The electron depletion effect mentioned in the second paragraph is most pronounced towards the center of mass. Towards the outside of a large mass such as the Earth or the Sun we get a cumulative or additive effect of more and more electromagnetic pull that adds to the pressure felt at the surface of the center of mass.

The proportion of force that is exerted on an object can be seen by studying the volume and surface areas of a sphere or a cube. Surface integrals and volume integrals will give answers on the dynamics of the gravity force as it pertains to a mass such as the Earth.

Adding the products of the volume integrals from the center of a mass to the periphery of a mass gives us the answers we need to understand the pressures and densities observed in our solar system. These analyses can get quite complicated fast. Is the surface of a mass liquid or solid? What about the atmosphere? How does this affect gravity? Model this as buoyancy. Move forward with models considering liquids at the surface of an object the size of the sun.

Sunday 5 February 2017

The Magnet, Gravity and a Paper Clip

A popular publication asks the question; How is it possible for a magnet to pick up a paper clip against the force of gravity exerted by an entire planet?

This publication has trouble with large numbers and the interactions between the large numbers of fundamental particles involved. Magnetism and gravity work very differently and have been the subject of many of my blog posts. In previous posts I normally prefer to use Maxwell's equations with Heaviside's telegrapher's equations to make points about the real nature of electromagnetic interactions.

Ampere worked to give us a model for magnetism. If we spin electrons in the right way we will create a field of spinning electrons due to the interactions between electrons and the nucleus. The telegrapher's equations point to the mechanism by-which the electrons create spinning fields (L) and more linear electron fields (G and C). The spinning fields beget more positive ions that come in to charge balance the spinning electrons. Ampere's wires are thus forced apart.

Static magnets work in a very elegant manner. The magnet's ejected electrons are what some call the magnetic field. Really electrons are just moving in a circular manner determined by the magnet's electro-molecular geometry. When a magnet is flipped pi radians it's electrons have the opposite spin and the magnet is pointed in the opposite direction. Therefore, the magnet will attract the opposite pole of another magnet. The spinning electron field will line up atoms and molecules and the biggest and dense molecules of the opposing magnet will be attracted to charge-balance spinning electrons in a gas (or vacuum).

Gravity attracting matter has a more subtle explanation than the mechanical explanation as to how magnets attract. Gravity attracts slower moving matter and is an effective back-fill to electrons moving upwards. As matter attracts more matter to itself a positive feedback cycle is produced. Negative charged electrons will repel each other closer to the core of any mass. The escape route for this charge will always be towards the outer shell of the mass. There will be an acceleration of charge towards the outer shell of the mass. The electron ejected from the mass will need to be charge-balanced. This charge balance as ions of all sorts fall back towards the center of mass is what we feel as the force of gravity.

True understanding of the nature of the force of gravity rests on the understanding of how many molecules are involved. While a small number of molecules will exhibit the London Force ten to the twenty-fifth power number of molecules presents a stronger attraction depending on the specific electro-chemical interactions of the constituent molecules. Astro-physicists seem to write a lot about iron.

If paper-clips are the great mystery of physics perhaps we can put to rest the mechanism by-which a paper clip is attracted to a magnet against the force of gravity. Because the mechanisms of these two forces are so different the organized force around a magnet can overcome a very disorganized but statistically relevant force around an entire planet.