Tuesday 25 April 2017

Poisson Distribution and Momentum as they Relate to Capacitance and Gravity

I apologize for the disparate nature of this post. I am going to try to relate some topics that aren't often related. The Poisson distribution for a given area in space may well model how electrons are accelerated. Conservation of momentum will give us a hint as to how electrons behave such that they give us capacitive or gravitational properties.

Electrons in a capacitor will behave in a certain fashion according to certain statistical distributions and in line with the material properties of the dielectric. Where gravity is concerned, previous posts have discussed, the tendency for the innermost portions of the mass to have a net negative charge causes accelerations within a mass.

If a plate of a capacitor is brought to a negative voltage the capacitor is know to take in a certain amount of charge. Where this charge goes and how it behaves most likely has to do with the Poisson distribution. Electrons will be ejected from the negative plate at a rate, lambda. The excited electrons will be ejected from the plate quickly but they will be replaced due to the charge-balance theorem right away by nearby electrons in the dielectric.

The electrons fly off the negative plate and, with a statistical regularity, approach the positive side of the capacitor. Eventually if capacitance is not to become conductance the electron will double back. The double-back will happen right away in the form of another electron moving in to take the place of the faster moving electron. This process will happen again and again according to the Poisson distribution due to the more energetic electrons on the negative plate.

If a fast moving electron is going to eject itself from a negative plate both charge balance theorem. The fast moving electron will be supplanted by multiple electrons within a particular point in space. Fast moving electrons move one way and many electrons back-fill going in the opposite direction.  In fact, larger ions can get hauled in the opposing direction to the fast moving electron.

Gravity uses the same fast movement and back-fill principles for electrons only for different reasons. A mass will tend to have more negative charge congregating at the middle of the mass. Fast moving electrons will shoot towards the periphery of mass. Gravity is the effect of having the larger ions hauled towards the center of mass.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Maxwell's Equations Broken Down

Heaviside modified Maxwell's equations to provide a set of equations that define much of electromagnetism as we know it today.

The Maxwell-Gauss' equation for electric fields defines electric fields as a vector field pointing from positive to negative.

The Maxwell-Gauss' equation for magnetism is nothing but a vector calculus identity. If the magnetic field is just a curling electron field then the divergence of a curl will always be zero.

Defining the magnetic field is done through the Maxwell-Ampere equation. The current is the curl on the magnetic field. Stated more simply a localized electron flow will create local and more distant electron turbulence. Due to constructive or destructive electron turbulence conductors will either attract each other or repel each other.

The Maxwell-Ampere equation apply with the curl of a magnetic field is proportional to the currents. If a current field is curled then a proportional magnetic field will be the result. This allows us to build a coil and observe a magnetic field. Really all that is observed is a curling electron field. The additive electron field created by the coil maximizes magnetic effects.

The last effect that Maxwell and Heaviside observed is known as the Maxwell-Faraday equation. This equation largely describes conservation of angular momentum using vector calculus. When a group of electrons enters a region where there is tight spin of electrons the introduced electrons spin tightly. Due to the conservation of angular momentum a very broad spin of electrons sets up in opposition to the tight spinning electron field.

Coils take advantage of the broad spin with each end of the coil catching a momentum effect from a moving coil. We call the Faraday momentum of electrons the electromotive force.