Sunday 31 January 2016

Groups of Electrical or Chemical Movements Relating to Gravity

Phase, group or drift velocity are interesting concepts. The idea of a drift velocity is the sum total of all the particle movements will add up to a speed that can be very different than the instantaneous speed of the individual particles. The drift velocity has been calculated to be orders of magnitude slower than the instantaneous velocities of the particles. The term 'drift velocity' comes from electrical engineering where the individual electrons may be travelling at 1% * c (where c is the speed of light) yet the sum total of all of the electrons moves far slower.

The reason for the smaller value of drift velocity is that the electrons will slam into the lattice often enough and end up stopping or traveling against the direction of electron drift. The electrons are re-accelerated by an electric field before slamming into the lattice once more at a momentous speed.

The question I'd ask now is: if we take any point in a mass within a sphere and looked at two points close to each other. One point is closer to the centre of the spherical mass and one point is further from the centre. The point closer to the centre will have more interactions and the point further from the centre will have less interactions. Can we relate this to the idea of statistical total velocity or drift velocity?

Points further from the centre of a sphere are more likely to have a higher combined velocity than those closer to the core of a sphere. We could introduce a pendulum analogy here between the closer point and the further point from the core if they were attached by a tether. One might imagine two ends of a pocket-watch.

The further end of the pocket-watch oscillate more quickly than the centre-most end of the pocket watch which have a carillon of interactions to slow down its relative movement. The relative speed of the further out particles vs. those particles further in will bind the particles towards the centre of the sphere together. This phenomenon may not be observable on a particle by particle basis and is complicated by the relative differences between electrons, neutrons and protons. (The differences are notably mass and velocity).

Gravity could be the result of this combined difference in electrostatic and electro-dynamic group velocities at various points in a sphere. Focus on the fact that the centre of a sphere has to relate electro-statistically with all of the points on the outside of the sphere.

Friday 8 January 2016

The statistics related to electrons' movement are fascinating. The root mean squared speed of an electron may be one one hundredth the speed of light at times. This is faster movement than the average human can comprehend. The particles are so fundamental to our knowledge of electro-magnetism and they must flow through materials like a fluid if they're moving that fast. Do they rotate or spin in an orbital very tight orbital?

The electron is described as a point charge but no doubt its wave properties would also allow for refraction. Electrons must swap orbitals but how often are orbitals swapped? Where does our body of knowledge concerning the electromagnetic properties of fundamental chemistry begin and end?

Can we use the exponential distribution to model the frequency with which electrons change orbitals and the speed with which an electron, in a given orbital, switches nuclei? Knowing what distribution the change in nuclei takes would give us insight into the mean length of time an individual electron stays with one nucleus. I'd wager that the answer is a very brief period of time.

Electromagnetism at the atomic level has been hard for electrical engineers to describe. Uncertainty principles have probably kept scientists from exploring electromagnetism at the ionic level. Still devices are needed, in space, to ground to plasma and then we need to have a firm understanding of what the voltage of an ion or electron temperature is.

If refraction between wave particles keep electrons moving towards the centre of density then how long does it take for an electron to turn pi radians?