Wednesday 6 July 2016

Turning of an Electron Field

Electrons move so quickly they have to be looked at as a vector field or fluid that flows. This field turns and has many statistical properties. The reason it is important to understand the turning of the field of electrons is that turning of a field causes lift. That is to say that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So every turning field has a centripetal force caused by an object or another field. The equal and opposite reaction is lift. This is known as the Newtonian explanation for lift.

This lift is useful in understanding electrons and their involvement in gravity. Relative to the speed of electrons protons and neutrons can be seen to be standing still. Under dense circumstances electrons in the presence of other electrons will acquire kinetic energy and head for areas of less electron density with some stochastic frequency. At some point the electron will turn around and may make the trip back towards the center of mass again due to statistical interactions with other particles.

Notice that electrons will turn at the center of mass and head outwards away from the center of mass. It is also require for charge balance that electrons be at least modeled as turning around and heading back towards the center of mass. It is important to note that these two turns happen in different places in a gravitational mass. One turn happens in a high density place and one in a lower density place. A model for this could be one electron headed out from the center of mass and two electrons headed back at half the velocity of the electron heading out.

If we look at the dense set of electrons turning at the center of mass we can draw the electrons' centripetal force vector pointed away from the center of mass. Slower particles are causing the 'modeled' 180 degree turn and thus a force is exerted on them with a downwards (towards the center of mass) vector. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite is happening far away from the center of mass the electrons have a centripetal force vector pointed downwards. These vectors are less dense meaning that gravity will always prevail as the counter-force to the turning of electrons under the extreme density at the center of a mass.

High density low volume turning vs. low density high volume turning leading to a force imbalance we call gravity. Lift and buoyancy can be analogies that help us understand how matter works in large quantities.

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