Saturday 17 December 2016

Can Physics Do Better Than the Maxwell-Heaviside Equations

Heaviside's version of Maxwell's Equations are a history lesson. There have to be better ways of describing electric phenomena and magneto attraction. Running through Maxwell's equations tells us the basics of the way electromagnetism works using the concept of fields, flow of fields and the flux of the flow of these fields. Specifically a branch of physics examines the flux of the flow of magnetic fields to describe how magnets will behave and electric flux of the flow describes how charged particles will behave. In addition to Maxwell's equations the Lorentz force equation provides additional information on the behaviour of charge in the presence of the above mentioned 'fields'.

The Gauss-Maxwell electric field equation describes a volume charge can be represented as a diverging electric field. This is a convenient representation of electric phenomena and it seems to hold at a high level. Is this equation accurate at a microscopic or nanoscopic level?

The Gauss-Maxwell magnetic field equation is simply a vector calculus identity. The electrons turbulently fly off any given wire and curl. This is especially true for natural magnets. The normal of this curl is what Maxwell and Heaviside termed the 'magnetic' field in this set of equations.

The Maxwell-Ampere equation states that a magnetic field curls around a volume current density or a changing displacement current. It is important to note that when the electron field curls the magnetic field lines up as well as in the case of an inductive coil electromagnet. These two relationships reflect that when there is turbulence in a field of moving electrons the spinning electrons interact with the laminar flow of current in a manner described by the inductance equations.

The Maxwell-Faraday equation should be rewritten. There is a lot going on when we relate the change in magnetic field to a curl in the surrounding electric field. Specifically Lenz's law shows us that opposing eddy current show up when a magnetic field is presented. The magnetic field sets up and increases in a tight fashion. What this equation is really saying is that conservation of angular momentum of electrons causes a large curl of electrons to set up when a tight curl of electrons in a magnetic field is presented. The whole truth of electromagnetic induction with respect to curls of currents and counter-curls of current are not being told using this equation or any other popular equation.

Finally, Lorentz's equation shows us what direction a particle will travel in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. A moving charge will be deflected by a magnetic field or turbulence in a field of moving or curling electrons. Charge will see a force by other charge and the equation sums this up neatly.

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