Sunday 30 July 2017

Electron Pressure and Gravity

Electrons make up a part of all spherical shaped masses in the solar system. All of these electrostatic entities exhibit gravity. The more massive the mass the higher the intensity of the observed gravity. I would like to focus on the electrons in the mass. As these electrons push out mass is drawn in to take its place. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction force.

At the center of the mass there are more interacting electrons which have charge and will repel each other in a stronger way they the oppositely charged ions. As electrons move from the center of mass to the periphery of the mass they accelerate and the number of electrons exhibiting this behaviour increase. Gravity increases as the outward pushing electrons are replace by positive ions and electrons.

There is - effectively - a rain of electrons that pours upwards at all times sucking everything else downwards towards the center of mass.

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