Sunday 27 August 2017

Wave Nature of the Electron and Inductance

There have been reports of a Fourier spectrum of elementary particles. Light has a wave nature and so too do the elementary particles the electron, the neutron and the proton. All energy behaves in a wave/particle duality. If waves and vortexes are natural phenomena then how do we construct one from the other.

It is important to understand how the flux of electrons' flow around conductors and dielectrics. The telegraphers equations show us that the medium around a conducting wire causes capacitance, inductance and conductance in the wire. Resistance is caused by the electrons interacting with the conducting metal lattice.

Capacitance stores energy in kinetic electrons jumping off and then returning to the wire in a rather linear path. Inductance stores energy in electron turbulence or the curl of an movement of electrons after they jump off the wire. Conductance is composed of electrons that jump off the signal or power wire while other electrons makes their way to the return wire.

If ten to the power of ten electrons are moving down a wire some of the electrons will spill out or radiate from the wire. The electrons will move around a matrix of ions in the dielectric. As with any wave the wave will refract off of ions until the attenuated wave has moved in a circle. Could this be where we get inductance? A small percentage of electrons behaving as waves store inductive energy in the curl of the electron field flow.

The telegraphers equations show us the relative values of inductance, capacitance, conductance and resistance. A small percentage of conducted electrons end up moving like a wave in a circle just as we see that the relative inductance of a transmission line is extremely small compared with the conducting electrons component.

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