Saturday 9 April 2016

Magnetics and Vacuums

This topic may seem both trivial or deep depending on how one looks at it.

So earlier I posted that magnetism might just be a result of the vector field flux associated with fast moving particles interacting, every once in a while, with particles that are located far from the point of origin of the electric or electron source of the magnetism according to Maxwell's equations. It is hard to conceive of how much faster electrons move when compared with neutrons and protons.

If in a vacuum a solid magnet exists it breaks the vacuum by definition. That fact aside, lets consider the speed of the electrons in the magnet. They are going at a solid fraction of the speed of light depending on temperature. The solid magnet must be leaking electrons like crazy. Consider the magnetic field lines. A spiral along the magnetic field lines is where you will find a trail of electrons in this near vacuum.

A North pole will then attract a South pole, in a vacuum, in a slightly different way then it would in an environment where the air is thick and the air must 'flux'.

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