Tuesday 26 April 2016

Proximity Effect without the Old Idea of Magnetism

The proximity effect is the result of eddy currents going to work on a nearby conductor while the skin effect involves the eddy currents going to work on the conductor that is producing them. Both the proximity effect and the skin effect involve accelerated charge and the idea of drift eddy currents or a drift velocity in the curl of the electron field.

If two parallel wires carry a changing current in a opposite directions electrons will be ejected from each wire and some of them will curl in the dielectric between the two conductors.The curl of the two electron flows are in the same direction. The fact that the eddy currents circulate in the same direction means exponentially more energy can be stored in the eddy currents. This will cause efficiency that enables more electrons to congregate in less space. The curl is maximized as there is a lot of spin. The efficient packing of electrons will mean a surplus of negative charge which is neutralized quickly by positive ions. The extra matter in between the two wires forces the wires apart in what is known as Ampere's force.

The curl has increased between the two conductors with opposing currents. It is a trivial statement to say that the curl is circular but that circulating eddy currents means that more current is going to travel in the side of the conductor nearest the other conductor.This curl current induces stored energy in the form of a curl in the current or energy in a rotating mass. As the electrons crash back into the conductor they will cause this proximate current distribution.This is traditionally known as the fictitious magnetic field.

I'll have to go into more detail about why a changing current causes the proximity effect as opposed to a direct current.

It is interesting to consider the opposite condition where two conductors carry current in the same direction. In this case the current flow that curls between the conductors curls in the opposite direction. The fictitious 'magnetic fields' would be said to be cancelled in the middle. The current flow in the center between the two parallel conductors will be additive causing a current that in opposite in direction to the original current flow. This current will have eddy currents disrupting the curls around the middle of the two conductors. A bit of noise one might say.

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