Sunday 5 June 2016

London Forces and Electromagnetic Conduction

This blog may be the first look at these two seemingly disparate topics. Chemistry has this oft hidden topic of the London forces. Part of the van der Waals series of forces they attempt to deal with what ionic and covalent bonds cannot tackle.

My problem is that I think I have a fairly good idea of what Dr. London was getting at when he wrote about these attractions years ago. There seems to be very little written about the London dispersion force. What is written almost makes it sound simple. Add a little Poisson Stoichastics and additive theory or considerations of linearity & additive Gaussian functions and this dispersion force is anything but simple! There is reason to think that this type of interaction may have broad ranging applications from one end of the universe to the other (big wink on that last statement)

To know more about the far reaching possibilities of the London force please take a look at my past posts about electromagnetism and gravity. I must digress to the London force and conduction.

The London force seems to deal strictly with instantaneous or dipoles that arrange themselves for small periods of time. Statistically when ten to the fifteen atoms are involved I would hardly say theses types of interactions are few and far between. To ditch the pejorative I would simply state these forces are a big deal in any system with more than ten to the fifteenth number of atoms. I mean what if it can be proved that the additive property of these forces add to gravity?

So if an electromagnetic is propagating most quickly at the border between the conducting metal lattice and the dielectric what can we say about the London forces at this junction. I know these topics are disperate and maybe not always be associated but follow me please. The excess negative charge present at the boundary is going to polarize the atoms at the boundary of the conductor and the dielectric.

While these forces can hardly be said to be London forces they certainly do add up and should be considered in the propagated electromagnetic wave from a conductor or an antenna if the conductor is exhibiting antenna-like properties. Another blog post will have to explore how these early statistical diploles manifest themselves and then propagate. They originate in the power supply through a whipping and then pumping (regulation) action by the various rotor, stator and then semiconductors in the signal path.

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