Sunday 19 June 2016

London Forces are Linear and Additive - Multiplicative

London forces are fairly basic forces. They represent a fairly geometric positive-negative view of the world. No self-respecting physicist would ever believe the truth to be that simple but we all must rely on models. Here our model is clear. An abundance of fast moving negative charge will exhibit self repulsion. This will propagate negative charge into diverse places. The charge balance will re-establish itself eventually and the return path of lower energy electrons and the process will begin again.

So if we consider a mass of any size or shape we end up with an additive or multiplicative force of attraction that causes the mass have a tendency to clump and stick together. This is the basis of gravity and it has an electrical analog. The proximate electrons at the center of a dense space are 'hot' and these electrons make their way towards the periphery of the mass. The electrons eventually make their way back through the return path down towards the center of the mass.

The nucleus follows or does the opposite of the electrons. Remember that the root mean squared speed of electrons is way faster than the the rms speed of the nucleus which carries so much mass. This is the electro-chemical basis for the so called weak force of gravity.

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