Monday, 29 August 2016

Safety of a Biefeld–Brown Type Device

In electrical discipline of the transportation industry it is necessary to get the potential hazard rate below the tolerable hazard rate of ten to the negative nine hazards per hour. Can this potential hazard rate be achieved using a Biefeld–Brown effect type device as an aircraft. Two questions may be asked: are Biefeld–Brown effect devices safe for travel with people on board and are Biefeld-Brown remote controlled drones safe for use at all according to North American or British case law.

Any practical Biefeld–Brown device that was able to carry a person will require in excess of 50 kV to 200 kV with the anode pointed up. The apparatus is really a condenser with a power supply and an electric generator. This blog post will limit its scope to the most safety critical items the subsystem containing the high voltage electrostatic generator and the condenser assembly itself.

It is so critical to note that if the device has a person on board they will be very close to a high voltage negative condenser plate which may or may not be spinning (see Searle effect). Compounding the problem, Biefeld–Brown devices aren't exactly heavy lifters. It would be hard enough to fit the requisite generation equipment on-board with a pilot. How would such an apparatus lower its hazard of touch potential under cramped circumstances?

A strong dielectric material would help but, again, fitting everything is such a cramped space would yield a potential touch potential hazard rate well in excess of the transportation tolerable hazard rate of ten to the negative nine hazards per hour. MIL-STD-882E specifies the safety requirements and method for achieving a suitably low hazard rate for an aircraft or aircraft subsystem. The condenser may require Electronics Parts Reliability Data data to infer rates that would allow compatibility with 217Plus:2015.

So would a remote controlled drone work? This machine could be lighter as it does not need to carry a person or the associated fuel. A lighter aircraft could use a lower condenser voltage. This voltage would still need to be 30 kV to 80 kV and would be hazardous if the drone were to crash. This type of high voltage drone should not be used in areas with any population density. 

United Sates of America Department of Defense, System Safety: Standard Practice MIL-STD-882E, Ohio, U.S.A., 2012.
RiAC, Electronic Parts Reliability Data-2014, Up-state New York, U.S.A., 2014.
RiAC, 217Plus:2015, Up-state New York, U.S.A., 2015. 

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Gravity and Electron Emission from Mass

The Poisson distribution might just be the right distribution to model the occurrences of high linear velocities of electrons in a small volume within a mass. The mass will seem to emit electrons in a direction generally towards the periphery of the mass at a high rate of linear speed rather than the Bohr type angular rates of speed of electrons surrounding a nucleus generally travel at within the mass.

The Poisson distribution would specify a discrete number of electron jumps from a mass or from a small volume within a mass. The rate parameter of the Poisson distribution will reflect how many jumps per unit volume will occur during a given nanosecond. Due to negative charge density the jump will tend to be from the center of mass toward the periphery of the mass.

If we break a mass into layers from the center of mass to the periphery of the mass we will find the same thing as we examine each layer. The interior side of the layer will have a higher negative charge density than the exterior. Electrons will tend to want to pop or accelerate outwards towards areas where there is less particulate mass.

This acceleration of electrons almost looks like an electromotive force. If electrons are pushing outwards then what of the return path? Electrons likely return in a drift velocity that is much slower and more orderly than the outward pushing or popping electrons. This effect can be modeled as a dieract delta function being propagated down a thin strip-line on a printed circuit board. The voltage/current waveform hits the termination or load and returns to the power supply along a wide ground plane. The forces on a printed circuit board are most often negligible but it is important to understand the fast-signal slower-return dynamic associated with electronics.

It is not known how this would even be measured at the present time. Because gravitational masses are so large and involve so many counter-balanced interactions it is very hard to pick them apart. One might have to imagine a smaller mass suspended in space. Regardless of the imagined mass, the interactions will follow a similar pattern. How would we compare the number of electron accelerations within a cm cubed at the Earth's surface vs. the number of electron accelerations one meter deeper.

The gravity force comes from an acceleration of charge (electron) away from the center of mass. Electrons, with their much smaller mass, will tend to fly off compared with a proton or a neutron. The return of mass and charge will seem to happen instantaneously. Mass will be dragged down to back-fill the escaped electron. Furthermore, charge balance will dictate that electrons will be attracted back into the place of the escaped electron.

I'm having trouble putting equations into the blog.

[1] Faraci, V., Spares Optimization Algorithm for Calculating Recommended Spares, J. RiAC, Third Quarter, 2008.
[2], Poisson Distribution, August, 2016.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Bar Magnets

It is much easier to draw a bar magnet with magnetic field lines surrounding it than helices of electrons traveling largely in a circular fashion. Well here is a drawing.

This drawing is a poor way to convey the circular path an electron takes around a bar magnet. Between the two magnets there are interactions between the two curling fields of electrons moving with opposing curls. It is likely that these fields interact and scatter matter such that a negative relative pressure is created. This lack of pressure pulls the two bar magnets together.

The Maxwell-Gauss magnetism equation traditionally defines this elliptical field. That is to say if we take the vector calculus curl of the electron movement fields we arrive at the magnetic field strength and direction. That vector field can be related to the Maxwell-Gauss magnetism equation. Otherwise, the Maxwell-Gauss magnetism equation is simply a vector calculus identity to be found in any vector calc text book.

Between the two bar magnets, in the gas or vacuum, there is likely to be centrifugence where the electrons leave the bar magnet and centripetence where the electrons enter the opposing bar magnet.

It will be harder to draw like poles of bar magnets repelling.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Electric - Magnetic Model for a Planet

We know that electrons move at a rate of speed many, many orders of maginitude faster than an iron nucleus. The electron moves with a root mean squared speed of 1% the speed of light. Electrons can move much faster than half the speed of light if they can get going in a straight line for any length of time. We now have to ask ourselves what this does to the momentum of the electron and how to model this in a large mass.

Electrons are incredibly hard to picture. They are extremely small. They have an ability to travel at extreme speeds. When an electron flows away from the center of a mass it has a higher ability to accelerate and it travels faster in general. This might be modeled as a collection of thin wires leading from the center of a planet out to the cold plasma surrounding the planet. In fact, it comprises all of the particles within the 'sphere' of gravitational and 'magnetic' influence. Small wire - fast electrons - with a greater ability to accelerate.

In reality one electron does not begin and continue to accelerate from the center of mass. Due to the size of the electrons and their more loose bonding to their surroundings electrons will have an ability to drift outwards with an instantaneous velocity. This velocity likely increases towards the periphery of a large mass as the density of the material is likely less due to the weaker force field of gravity.

If electrons flow from the center of a mass to the periphery they much regain charge balance through another process. This process is different. Imagine fewer thicker, heavier gauge, wires funneling current back towards the center of mass from the periphery. These wires become thinner as they get closer to the center of mass. At the center of mass we can likely look to the London Dispersion Forces to get a clearer picture of what is going on. This is a post that has already been written to this blog.

Thinner wires at the center of a large mass with thicker return wires compared with 'hot' wires on the way out. This model shows us that differing impedances can exist within one, very large, electrical system. The force imbalance leads to an equal and opposite force imbalance that we know as gravity.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Ground Equals Zero Volts

One of the fundamental teachings of electrical engineering is that we reference all circuits to what we call a common ground and that we call that 0 V. This means that there is zero potential energy difference along the common ground.

Well wouldn't you know that I spent the last two days of my life considering that ground may not be 0 V after all. In a great number of cases the ground is not 0 V. These cases usually involve some amount of distance. This distance may be greater than 25 m. Over a distance of 100 or 200 m there may naturally occur in the soil and between soil layers a potential difference of a few volts. With heavy machinery or lightening about the potential difference across a few hundred meters can be significant.

The downside of potential differences between different points is that if one is trying to communicate over this distance and the ground rises the communication will fail.

It turns out that the solution to this problem has been to divide large buildings up into different grounding zones. These zones are kept electrically separate without any conductors between them. Any communication between different grounding zones must be done with differential signalling.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Static Magnets - The Basics

When the North end of a magnet is close enough to the South end of another magnet electrons will spin out of one pole and spin towards the opposing pole. It is very important to note that the opposing pole is also inverted with respect to its counterpart. This is why the spinning electrons line up. The curl speed of the electrons is probably much higher than the drift speed of the electrons from one magnet to the other. This means that the drift direction matters less than the curl of the electron field.

Implicit in the last paragraph is that the electrons flowing between magnets have a return path. The path is from the outside poles of the magnet. The vector calculus calculated curl of the electron field will line up with the so called 'magnetic field lines' of antiquity.

So why does the North pole attract the South pole in paragraph number 1? When the electrons are spinning from one magnet to the next there will be a boundary between the electrons curling one way and the return path curling the opposite way. The matter at or near the boundary will interact with collisions and cause matter to evacuate the space between the two magnets. This is what causes the attraction.

The opposite happens when a South pole is put next to a South pole. Electrons will work hard to get in between the two magnets pulling in matter. The buoyant feeling of matter stubbornly not evacuating the space between the two magnets in this case.

The Maxwell-Ampere equation backs this up. Substituting del cross I for B with a proportionality constant adjusts the equation so that one does not have to use the magnetic field idea.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Equation for Electron Induced Gravity

There is certainly a tendency in any object large or even small for the electrons traveling away from the center of mass to have more kinetic energy. Objects tend to radiate. To balance charge the electrons must settle back towards the center of mass with a particular drift velocity.

The electrons moving out from the center of mass will have divergence in their vector field and will have a decreasing divergence per unit volume as we observe from the center of mass to the periphery of the object and beyond.

Representing this relationship as an equation involves calculating the force of gravity using the surface integral over the area of interest. The divergent vector field will yield a type of  buoyancy that forces objects towards the center of mass. The turn or curl closer to the center of mass will be greater than that further away.

A more complicated model involves the density of all materials as to which way the net 'force' points. Buoyancy can push one way while electron buoyancy might point in the opposite direction.

Due to the comparison this electron gravity has towards stress and buoyancy the natural reaction might be to try and use tensors. Integrating the tensor over the area in question may yield a model for calculating force due to gravity. I wonder weather using tensors isn't too complicated to be accurate.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

The Photon Field

There is no ether but the photon field is worth exploring. Photons permeate explored space. According to Bloomberg (not the greatest science reference) a sunbather is hit at a rate of ten billion photons per second by stars outside our solar system. The same sunbather is hit ten to the power of 23 times by photons from our own sun.

These photons permeate a large amount of space around the earth and throughout our solar system. These photons and other frequencies of background radiation must play a real role in the propagation of electromagnetic signals.

The background radiation provides more than a noisy environment for signals. Without ether it provides the medium for signal to propagate.

Magneto Attraction

None more mysterious than the attraction of opposed poles of a magnet. Conversely, like poles repel. We can look at the curl of the electron field and note that opposing poles with opposing orientations in space have electron fields that add constructively in curl.

How does a constructive or additive curl cause magneto-attraction? It is interesting to note that the magnetic force acts similarly in a gas as in a vacuum. I have challenged the whole notion of a vacuum when a magnet or two are present in previous blog posts.

Writers make a big deal of poles never being separated. If poles just represent the orientation of spinning or curling (vector field) of electrons then why does it surprise us that the poles can never be separated? It becomes a trivial statement. This fact is described by the Maxwell-Ampere equation where curl is related to magnetism and movement of electron-charges.

Back to the attraction between magnets. The opposing poles with opposing orientations in space will have additive curl. Electrons will move from one pole to the other but note that the direction doesn't matter. The return path will be through the magnetic material and around the outside of the magnet with the vector curl of the electron field following what we call the magnetic field lines. Both the direct path and the return path for the curling electrons add constructively for attraction.

The curl from the mass of the magnet to the center between the two opposing poles relaxes the curl of the electron field. The field wants to stay together but the mass is loose in the gas or vacuum between the magnets so the electrons spiral outwards. At the same time the return path is curling the other way pushing the electron vector curl field inwards. Eventually the mass of one or both of the magnets seeks to fill the void where the curl is loose (less) and trending towards more.

This phenomenon may be best described by tensors or vector calculus of many dimensions. I will reserve this analysis for another blog post.

Monday, 1 August 2016

The Drift Velocity of a Magnet

What is the drift velocity of a magnet under equilibrium? A quick and safe answer is zero. The net velocity of the magnetic lattice is zero. But what the Ampere-Maxwell's relation points out is that there exists a curl to an electron field when the magnetic force is said to exist.This relationship between force, on particles, and the net flow of electrons is also less obvious in Lorentz's equation relating the movement of a particle in the presence of curling electrons.

There are particle accelerations and velocities at play in electromagnetics that have been described in previous posts. I'd like to explore drift velocity and electron acceleration with respect to magnetic phenomena in this post. Under what conditions do we expect to observe accelerated electrons while dealing with magnets?

The Ampere-Maxwell's relation shows us half of what goes on when electrons start moving around. Because of effects that generally have to do with Bohr's model of the atom, electrons seem to eddy around the nucleus of either one atom or many atoms. This gives a field of traveling electrons a drift that can curl. The drift angular velocity is what produces the magnetic field by the Ampere-Maxwell relation. This mechanism by which this happens is explored in other posts. My focus is on the velocity of electron flow, the flux of the flow and the curl of the electron flow.

In a given current carrying wire, the drift velocity is radically slower than the root mean squared velocity of the electrons. The electrons, therefore, can carry information or power radically faster than the drift velocity. This is good because the drift velocity can be quite slow. The current in a conducting medium is always going to have a telegrapher parasitic profile. The shunt conductance and capacitance and the series inductance are all caused by electrons moving in the dielectric (maybe in some cases curling in the conductor itself). An induced curling field, as electrons eddy out in the dielectric is interesting. It would appear that the field would have a drift angular velocity under steady-state Ampere-Maxwell conditions. When an electromotive force is setting up a circuit, di/dt, and charge is accelerating the 'magnetic' or electron curl field would accelerate as well.

Imagine that the curl is not just localized to a small space but the curl of an electron field is continuous throughout a given three-space around a conducting medium. The acceleration and drift velocity of a rotating point charge starts to take on a complicated pattern.

The Faraday-Maxwell equation shows us how circuits behave under accelerating conditions. When a rotating body with an angular velocity swings through a curling field of electrons there will be sinusoidal acceleration and velocity. This acceleration leads to the electromotive force in generators. This force is generated and take direct advantage of the angular drift velocity of electrons around a permanent magnet or an electrified coil.