Sunday 14 August 2016

Equation for Electron Induced Gravity

There is certainly a tendency in any object large or even small for the electrons traveling away from the center of mass to have more kinetic energy. Objects tend to radiate. To balance charge the electrons must settle back towards the center of mass with a particular drift velocity.

The electrons moving out from the center of mass will have divergence in their vector field and will have a decreasing divergence per unit volume as we observe from the center of mass to the periphery of the object and beyond.

Representing this relationship as an equation involves calculating the force of gravity using the surface integral over the area of interest. The divergent vector field will yield a type of  buoyancy that forces objects towards the center of mass. The turn or curl closer to the center of mass will be greater than that further away.

A more complicated model involves the density of all materials as to which way the net 'force' points. Buoyancy can push one way while electron buoyancy might point in the opposite direction.

Due to the comparison this electron gravity has towards stress and buoyancy the natural reaction might be to try and use tensors. Integrating the tensor over the area in question may yield a model for calculating force due to gravity. I wonder weather using tensors isn't too complicated to be accurate.

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