Sunday 28 August 2016

Gravity and Electron Emission from Mass

The Poisson distribution might just be the right distribution to model the occurrences of high linear velocities of electrons in a small volume within a mass. The mass will seem to emit electrons in a direction generally towards the periphery of the mass at a high rate of linear speed rather than the Bohr type angular rates of speed of electrons surrounding a nucleus generally travel at within the mass.

The Poisson distribution would specify a discrete number of electron jumps from a mass or from a small volume within a mass. The rate parameter of the Poisson distribution will reflect how many jumps per unit volume will occur during a given nanosecond. Due to negative charge density the jump will tend to be from the center of mass toward the periphery of the mass.

If we break a mass into layers from the center of mass to the periphery of the mass we will find the same thing as we examine each layer. The interior side of the layer will have a higher negative charge density than the exterior. Electrons will tend to want to pop or accelerate outwards towards areas where there is less particulate mass.

This acceleration of electrons almost looks like an electromotive force. If electrons are pushing outwards then what of the return path? Electrons likely return in a drift velocity that is much slower and more orderly than the outward pushing or popping electrons. This effect can be modeled as a dieract delta function being propagated down a thin strip-line on a printed circuit board. The voltage/current waveform hits the termination or load and returns to the power supply along a wide ground plane. The forces on a printed circuit board are most often negligible but it is important to understand the fast-signal slower-return dynamic associated with electronics.

It is not known how this would even be measured at the present time. Because gravitational masses are so large and involve so many counter-balanced interactions it is very hard to pick them apart. One might have to imagine a smaller mass suspended in space. Regardless of the imagined mass, the interactions will follow a similar pattern. How would we compare the number of electron accelerations within a cm cubed at the Earth's surface vs. the number of electron accelerations one meter deeper.

The gravity force comes from an acceleration of charge (electron) away from the center of mass. Electrons, with their much smaller mass, will tend to fly off compared with a proton or a neutron. The return of mass and charge will seem to happen instantaneously. Mass will be dragged down to back-fill the escaped electron. Furthermore, charge balance will dictate that electrons will be attracted back into the place of the escaped electron.

I'm having trouble putting equations into the blog.

[1] Faraci, V., Spares Optimization Algorithm for Calculating Recommended Spares, J. RiAC, Third Quarter, 2008.
[2], Poisson Distribution, August, 2016.

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