Monday 17 October 2016

Spherical Warping and Gravity

Imagine for the sake of example a flat Earth. Many layers of flat ferrous, silica and carbon making up a flat Earth. We bend the flat layers one at a time to turn the flat layers into a sphere. The electrons on the concave side will tend to repel each other. These electrons will tend to push outwards as the material bends. Given that the root mean square speed of electrons at room temperature may be one one hundredth the speed of light. It is highly likely that the electrons will pop out of the convex side at a high velocity. Charge balance will tend to pull electrons in to fill the void.

The pop or acceleration of inside electrons is countered by the charge balance that must bring these particles back. The force of gravity permeates everything as it is composed of the basic neutron, proton and electron combination.

When the flat earth model is bent the electron concentration tends to be higher on the inside or on the concave side. Electrons move extremely fast and they will balance themselves quickly.

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