Wednesday 26 October 2016

Gravity is Not Magnetic

"Well of course gravity is not magnetic" any respectable scientist would say. Physics and Wikipedia specify a law for gravity and a set of functions describing magnetism as a subset of the field of electromagnetism. The truth all discerning scientists will discover is that gravity and magnetism are both ionic - velocity related forces relying on the statistics of large numbers to exert force from one body to another.

Magnetism works through electrons spinning around atoms in a regular pattern. This large school of spinning electrons protrudes into the dielectric material surrounding a magnetic body. The electrons follow the 'magnetic' field lines around to backfill the electrons in the magnetic material. The spins must line up and if you trace the magnetic field lines you will find they do. A diagram is included in a previous blog post.

The 'magnetic' fields of spinning electrons attract and repel magnetic bodies with beautiful symmetry. This symmetry is well documented through Maxwell's Equations specifically the Ampere-Maxwell equation. What isn't well documented are the physics of the actual attraction and repulsion. To explore magneto-attraction more I would refer the reader to a few previous blog posts where I explore the matter in more detail. Clearly the magneto-attraction involves the spin of many electrons concurrently as well as the collision of electrons and ions causing the attraction or repulsion of mass between the two magnetic bodies.

Gravity also involves large numbers of electrons and ions moving in particular ways to provide attractive force. The only concept that may be seen as a repulsive analog to gravity is the Biefeld–Brown effect but this effect is poorly documented. The gravity force is the result of the statistical tendency of electrons to be accelerated one way and then to be attracted back in the opposite direction due to charge balancing. This concept is explored in many of this blog's previous posts.

Contrasting the ionic statistical movements of gravity and magnetism is well worth thinking about for any physicist or chemist. The root mean squared speed of electrons is extremely high compared with the RMS speed of the ions they surround. This means that the electrons will seem to reach out and exert a force on surrounding material in the case of gravity and magnetism.

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