Friday 27 January 2017

Gravity and Maxwell's Equations

Previous blog posts have looked at gravity as a combination of electromagnetism and geometry. Maxwell's equations are the vector calculus description of electromagnetism so it might occur to a physicist that Maxwell's equations can explain gravity. This is only partly true.

The two Maxwell-Gauss equations explain static fields and can get us part of the way towards explaining gravity. Maxwell's equations don't explain the fast moving root mean square speeds observed in electrons and nuclei.

Maxwell-Gauss' electricity equation explains how the fictional electric field works. The field lines in an exaggerated sphere will tend to diverge as the observer moves from the center of mass.

Maxwell-Gauss' magnetism equation explains how the fictional magnetic field works. In reality the magnetic field simply represents the spinning of electrons as they travel through space. The field lines in an exaggerated sphere will tend to have a density that is lower as the observer moves from the center of mass.

Where electric fields converge we find a complicated mix of alternating positive and negative fields. Electrons in close proximity will tend to flee the relative convergence of a dense portion of matter near the center of a mass. Towards the periphery of a mass the opposite is true. Mass tends to seek charge balance and gravity takes the form of particles spinning back towards the center of mass. It is highly likely that the return to the center of mass happens more slowly and with more bumps than the ejection of particles; most notably beta particles.

Magnetic fields are orthogonal to electric fields. Where the magnetic field lines are found to be more dense we find an environment that is ready to impart potential energy to particles. This will happen, most readily, to the small and fast electrons rather than the ions in the nucleus. The ejected beta particles will eventually collide with other electrons or, less likely, with the nucleus of a particle.

The electrons will travel away from the center of mass. The resultant pull due to the charge balance of the mass will yank particles of both 'charges' back towards the center of mass. It is this constant pull that constitutes the gravitational pull that we experience every day on Earth.

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