Monday 9 January 2017

Turbulence and Electron Flow

As stated on a previous post, turbulence and laminar flow are terms usually reserved for aerodynamics. Electrons flowing through a circuit might be said to exhibit turbulent or more graceful flow. During the graceful flow of molecules or electrons density can go up as the electrons are very well ordered. A turbulent flow of electrons consumes more space and draws in positive ions. This is the magnetic push observed between like poles of a magnet.

Question of the day: Can a proper Poisson related (shot pattern of multiple Poisson arrivals) cause light gravity to shift if the right number of electrons are moving with respect the the mass ratio of the electron to nucleus ratio? Light gravity could move shift and swirl without affecting heavy gravity. This would result in two different gravity constants for the same point of space close to a large mass such as a planet. Gravity could then not be said to be simply 9.8 m/s^2.

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