Tuesday 2 May 2017

Electron Statics and Gravity

Electrostatics-wise, gravity can be seen in figure 1 as more proximate negative charges towards the center of a mass. The small and fast charges will accelerate from the center of mass to the periphery of the mass with a mean drift velocity as in any electric circuit. Electrons will jump like a grasshopper towards the periphery of the mass. Figure 1 makes sense if you imagine more mass with the center of mass at the focus of the diagram. Figure 1 is meant to illustrate the crowding of the innermost electrons juxtaposed against the sparse peripheral electrons in any mass.

Due to the charge balance theorem for every electron that accelerates towards the periphery of the mass there will be an electron or ion that take its place. There is an illustration of the effect in figure 2.

The gravitational effect comes from all of the ions that get pulled inwards to counter the electrons moving outwards at a fraction of the speed of light. 

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