Thursday 11 May 2017

Hypothesis on Electromagnetics

Electromagnetics has long been an area where Maxwell's equations have broken down into a set of differential equations describing a wave. Since the Michelson–Morley experiment was performed it has been assumed that an electromagnetic wave propagated without a medium. Previous to the Michelson-Morley experiment there had been an assumption that Ether was the medium electromagnetic energy propagated in.

I would hypothesize that perhaps our medium for electromagnetic power - Ether - is lumpy. So lumpy is the Ether that it may be looked at as electrons, Beta particles or even photons. Electrons jump massive distances in very short periods of time as they travel at a real fraction of the speed of light. Secondly, Diract determined that the electron had a certain duality to it. Perhaps the electron can be seen to be in multiple different places. Due to their incalculable speed, electrons almost appear to be in two places at once yet they may exist only at one point in space.

Electron characteristics might lead one to believe that electrons normally constitute both the signal and the medium for most electromagnetic wave propagation.

It may be required that protons and neutrons are required to produce a plausible medium for the propagation of any significant amount of electromagnetic power. Without a dense medium the power will disperse.

Also note that to receive any signal, current technology requires protons and neutrons to detect a power level derived from photons or, more likely, electrons.

It may be possible that if electrons and photons do not make up a suitable medium for a complete theory then it is at least a good place to start figuring out practical applications for a lumpy or discrete medium. Protons, neutrons and more exotic particles can be factored in later. Getting into drift velocity while at the same time contemplating near light-speed electromagnetic wave propagation seems like a disjointed fact set.

I'm sorry that I'm rambling now. The electron has been shown to show up in aprox. two places at once (Dieract). It makes more sense to me that the electron only measures to be in two places at one as an average in the present. In reality the electron can look to be in infinite places or in the ultimate reality of t+1 the electron is in one place. I'll either post more on this later or erase this text if I feel this is a dumb theory later.

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