Thursday 5 May 2016

Permanent Magnets

Magnetic fields can come from magnetic materials or electromagnets. It seems more than certain that electrons pop out the North or the South end of the magnet and, in a circular or helical path, travel with a drift along the 'magnetic' field lines. Electromagnets eject electrons from the edge of the conductors that are twisted around an air core or a ferrite type of material. These electrons travel the path of the magnetic field lines in a helical path doing more spinning than traveling to end up, statistically, where they began.

When the North end of a magnet comes close to the South end of a magnet the spin of the electrons cause a spin flux in between the two bars. The curl in the vector fields add and the matter in between the two bar magnets spins out creating a relative vacuum. The positive ions follow the electrons as they spin out from in between the two magnets. The relative vacuum forces the solid magnets together. The net drift of electrons can sometimes be against the 'magnetic' field lines or with the field lines. The fact that either scenario is possible has likely caused more confusion in the area of 'magnetic' than Maxwell's complicated set of equations.

When the South end of a bar magnet comes close to another South end the curling electrons cancel each other's curl at the center. There is a lot of curling in the field of curling electrons that precipitates the canceled curl at the center. There would seem to be a pad of circulating electrons at each South pole. The two pads exchange electrons in a torrid type form in a circle at the top of a round bar magnet. The angular momentum of the negative charges circulating so viciously drawing in positively charged matter keeping the two ends of the magnets apart. Again, we know the direction of electron curl but we don't know the direction of electron drift. In this case the drift is from or to the South ends of the magnet to or from the North ends of the magnet which are much further apart. Ultimately the linear drift matters less as the spin of electrons matters a great deal in the formation of the force fields we call magnetism.

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