Saturday 5 November 2016

Two - Mass and Charge Exploration

My son's favourite number is two. I explore number theory at work to maximize safety and availability and two is a number with some interesting properties. For example between Gauss and Franklin charge has been built into two categories - positive and negative. Electrons and nucleus-es have other dichotomies of light and heavy as well as fast and less fast. What is the energy balance between an electron and its nucleus if the electron contains a higher ratio of its energy as kinetic energy and the nucleus contains a relatively higher ratio of its energy in mass (times the speed of light squared).

Charge is an interesting concept. The interaction of two categories of particles has given us a model that we term positive and negative. These charges repel like and are generally attracted to unlike charges. This may be a little over-simplified. We know that on Earth mass is attracted to mass through developed theories such as the London Forces and Gravity. Under this kind of intense pressure electrons will fill an important role being observed by their interaction with nucleus-es. These negative charges move at extreme speeds of over one percent of the speed of light at times. The number of interactions that an electron will have with various nucleus-es is hard to calculate without a well considered stochastic model.

Add to the hypothesis that two sets of particles are heavy and light. It is rare to see a well developed comparison of the momentum of these two types of particles. If we look directly at conventional physics a nucleus will contain more energy in the form of mass through the e=mc squared equality. The root mean squared speed of this more massive nucleus is only a small fraction of the speed relating to the mighty mouse styled electron.

Finally, electrons are fast. It is highly likely that no matter how tightly you bond your Rutherford model to the nucleus; electrons will find their way around a large mass quickly. Free of any nucleus, as we find in the plasmas of space, the electron will tend to travel straight without the torque of its opposing charge. The speed these particles travel at is extreme. Alpha, Beta and Gamma particles all fly at extreme speeds and behave like a ray. Why wouldn't they? There is not enough interaction between the particles to cause torque and the behaviours we witness on Earth.

More thought has to be given to the relativistic quantities observed in the interaction of atoms. The electron's energy in contained in kinetic, mass and charge models. How does this change as speeds begin to approach the speed of light? All questions worth answering as we take steps towards a deeper understanding of the physics of electromagnetism.

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