Saturday 19 November 2016

Reverse Galton Box and Electromagnetism Causing the Gravitational Effect

You may have observed a Galton box. These contraptions knock beans back and forth until they settle into a binomial distributed bell curve. Imagine turning the contraption upside down and watching what happens to the electrons as the beans fall.

If electrons are accelerated from the center of mass by like-charge repulsion along the electric field lines there will be a drift velocity for these charges. The electrons move at a speed about 1-5% of the speed of light. Lots of kinetic energy is involved when n electrons push outwards from the center of mass. These electrons will bounce like Galton objects in the Bean Machine box. Ultimately many Beta particles will radiate from the Earth's atmosphere.

As I've said on previous blog posts the sheer number of events where a build up of negative charge cause an electron to be accelerated rapidly towards a region of lower density. Due to the massive velocity imbalance between electrons and their associated nucleus we see a tendency towards outward acceleration (slower) mass is accelerated towards the center of mass.

The Poisson equation helps us understand how gravity works. At a certain distance from the center of mass there will be lambda excess accelerated electrons outwards from the center of mass. Lambda is said to be the rate parameter. Therefore, lambda to the power of the mean number of excess electrons accelerated from that position multiplied by Euler's constant to the power of negative lambda. Divide all this by the factorial of the mean number of electrons and presto one has the probability in one interval that force is generated away from the center of mass. Of course we know Newton's laws and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Large mass is accelerated inwards in what we normally call gravity.

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